Results for 'Andrés Piquer Otero'

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  1.  15
    Seijas de los Ríos Zarzosa, Guadalupe , Historia de la literatura hebrea y judía.Andrés Piquer Otero - 2016 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 21:282-283.
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    Piquer Otero, Andrés y Torijano Morales, Pablo (eds.), "Textual Criticism and Dead Sea Scroll Studies in Honour of Julio Trebolle Barrera. Florilegium Complutense".Alba Contreras Corrochano - 2013 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 18:308-310.
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    More-than-human.Andrés Jaque, Marina Otero Verzier, Lucia Pietroiusti & Lisa Mazza (eds.) - 2020 - [Amsterdam?]: Manifesta Foundation.
    The 'More-than-Human' reader brings together texts by writers across a wide array of disciplines that reflect on the state of post-anthropocentric thinking today. Focusing on the ecologies and technologies of climate injustice and inequalities, as well as the destructive structures lurking within anthropocentrism, More-than-Human proposes complex entanglements, frictions, and reparative attention across species and beings. Thinking past the centrality of the human subject, the texts that compose this reader begin to imagine networks of ethics and responsibility emerging not from the (...)
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  4. Andrés Piquer y la filosofía española del siglo XVIII: a propósito de un libro del P. Mindán.Antonio Jiménez - 1992 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 8:429-440.
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    ¿Influyó Suárez en el pensamiento de Andrés Bello?Milagros Otero Parga - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 51:79-100.
    Suárez es uno de los más insignes juristas españoles. La profundidad y originalidad de su pensamiento ha inspirado a muchos autores posteriores hasta la actualidad de manera que puede decirse que existe una escuela suareciana conocida y activa. Este hecho que engrandece nuestra tradición jurídica, debe ser conservado y acrecentado. El artículo que ahora se presenta quiere llegar un poco más allá. Quiere buscar la influencia indirecta de Suárez en aquellos autores que sin mencionarlo expresamente siguen los cauces de su (...)
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    Staccato: musiques, existences, philosophies.André Hirt - 2016 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    La musique comme chemin d'existence et pour la penser... En effet, les moments d'intervention de la musique, de toutes les musiques, au fil des jours et au long de la vie ne manquent pas d'être signifiants. Ils instruisent autant sur la musique elle-même que sur la pensée et sur l'existence. Il serait prétentieux d'en produire une théorie générale. Toutefois, la voie de la chronique, jour après jour, aura tissé des fils permettant de s'attarder sur le sens, nécessairement ponctuel et subjectif (...)
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    Human rights and ethics: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume III = Derechos humanos y ética.Andrés Ollero (ed.) - 2007 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    This volume reflects on questions of human rights in the context of globalization. The essays responding to this subject are rich and varied: they focus on legal acceptance as well as consequences of human rights with regard to social rights and the necessary protection of the environment connected or close to those rights. Another approach to the subject featured in the volume is the legal recognition and the consideration of human rights as moral rights. With concepts on universality, a new (...)
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    On the Meeting of the Moral and the Aesthetic in Literary Education.Andrés Mejía & Silvia Eugenia Montoya - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (2):370-386.
    For millennia it has been discussed whether literature appropriately can or should be used in education for a moral purpose. Taking as a premise that it can actually be educative and not merely moralising, we tackle the case made against such use, based on the claim that it would be perverting the aesthetic nature of literature as a form of art, as it would be instrumentalised. Given that this claim is based on a dichotomy between an aesthetically educative approach and (...)
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    Sobre la imagen poética: Intimidad, Ser y Armonía en la interpretación heideggeriana de los himnos de Hölderlin.Andrés Felipe Ramírez Zuluaga - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 97:203-220.
    El § 10 del estudio de Heidegger acerca de Los himnos de Hölderlin “Germania” y “Rin” (2010), tiene por objeto la exposición del pensamiento inicial soportado en el poema “Germania” de Hölderlin en el horizonte hermenéutico abierto por los fragmentos de Heráclito; esto es posible, gracias al despliegue dinámico entre intimidad, ser y armonía, al menos como lo presenta el filósofo alemán, en donde se preserva el secreto del ser y se revela la imagen poética. Se trata en este artículo (...)
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    Causal Explanations: Are They Possible in Physics?Andrés Rivadulla - 2019 - In Michael Robert Matthews (ed.), Mario Bunge: A Centenary Festschrift. Springer. pp. 303-328.
    The existence of causal explanations in science has been an issue of interest in Western philosophy from its very beginnings. That is the reason this work, following an idea of Mario Bunge, makes a historical review of this matter. The modern treatment of this subject takes place since the postulation by Popper and Hempel of the D-N model of scientific explanation, whose viability is scrutinized here from different points of view in the current philosophy of science. The main object of (...)
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    Estrategias de modelización en Alan Turing: términos y conceptos de máquina.Andrés Ilcic & Pío García - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 58:135-155.
    In 1936, Alan Turing proposed the notion of an automated machine as a model of the computation performed by a human being while only being aided by mechanical resources. Still, it seems that much more can be said about Turing’s own conception of machines in the scope of his later work, both terminologically and conceptually. In this paper we present the terms he used that refer to machines and that according to our understanding are important to give an account of (...)
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    El Derecho y la confianza.Andrés García Inda - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:47-70.
    ¿Cuál es la relación entre Derecho y confianza? ¿y cómo puede el Derecho favorecer la confianza social “adecuada”? El libro de Tommaso Greco sobre La legge della fiducia ofrece una respuesta a tales cuestiones y propone una revisión del “maquiavelismo jurídico”, entendido como el paradigma jurídico clásico. En este trabajo, a partir de la lectura de dicha obra, se plantean algunas reflexiones sobre dicha relación y se hace una crítica del planteamiento “principialista” del autor.
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    Meritocracia, inteligencia y desigualdad cibersocial.Andrés Merejo - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 93:327-343.
    Será entrando en el siglo XXI, cuando la configuración tecnológica digital, con sus redes virtuales, tecnocientíficas y sus flujos de información, solidifican el cibermundo, el cual, como sistema, está constituido por fibras de poder, control virtual y sus componentes económico, educativo, político y cultural. Con ellos tenemos ciberpolítica, cibereconomía y cibercultura en esas sociedades de redes sociales, las cuales han producido acontecimientos distintos de otros tiempos históricos. Vivimos unos tiempos cibernéticos muy diferentes a los que describieron filósofos y sociólogos como (...)
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    The Problem of Inclusion in Deliberative Environmental Valuation.Andrés Vargas, Alex Lo, Michael Howes & Nicholas Rohde - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (2):157-176.
    The idea of inclusive collective decision-making is important in establishing democratic legitimacy, but it fails when citizens are excluded. Stated-preference methods of valuation, which are commonly used in economics, have been criticised because the principle of willingness to pay may exclude low-income earners who do not have the capacity to pay. Deliberative valuation has been advocated as a way to overcome this problem, but deliberation may also be exclusive. In this review, two deliberative valuation frameworks are compared. The first is (...)
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    Cosmotechnical Thought Between Substantivism and the Empirical Turn.Andrés Vaccari - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (4):1279-1284.
    In this article I respond to Yuk Hui by revisiting the crossroads in the philosophy of technology as represented by the philosophies of Stiegler and Ihde. Whereas Hui proposes the concept of cosmotechnics as an integrating perspective, I conceive of the crossroads in other terms, namely from the perspective of substantivism. I characterize our present situation, what a philosophy of technology should address and then examine Hui’s notion of cosmotechnics from this alternative perspective. My main concern is to show future (...)
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    La Iglesia vive de la eucaristía. Oportunidad y fundamentos de una encíclica.Miguel Payá Andrés - 2004 - Augustinus 49 (192-93):95-106.
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    San Alberto Magno y el Idealismo Alemán de la Edad Media tardía (Maestro Eckhart y Teodorico de Freiberg).Andrés Quero Sánchez - 2011 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 18:95-122.
    This paper shows that the interpretation of the ‘Bochumer Schule’, which sees a fundamental continuity from the philosophy of Averroes and Albert the Great to that of Theodoric of Freiberg and Master Eckhart, is not right, both from a merely historical and a strictly philosophical point of view.
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    The Contribution of Grammar, Vocabulary and Theory of Mind in Pragmatic Language Competence in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.Clara Andrés-Roqueta & Napoleon Katsos - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  19. Éxito, razón y cambio en física. Un enfoque instrumental en teoría de la ciencia.Andrés Rivadulla - 2004
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    El ombligo de la subjetividad. Consideraciones desde Freud al dogma de la transparencia.Andrés Botero Bernal, Javier Orlando Aguirre Román & Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 59:e20313608.
    Este artículo tiene por objetivo retomar la teoría de Byung Chul Han sobre la sociedad del logro (Leistungsgesellschaft), tomando específicamente lo expuesto por él sobre el dogma de la transparencia que surge en la lógica neoliberal-digital contemporánea, para ser completado con la teoría freudiana de lo Unerkante -no reconocible-. Para esto el trabajo se divide en tres momentos: el primero tiene por objetivo exponer lo que se entiende por dogma de la transparencia y cómo se relaciona con el Homo œconomicus; (...)
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    La dimensión intersubjetiva de la esperanza en Gabriel Marcel.Andrés Nicolás Rodríguez - 2024 - Tábano 24:81-101.
    El presente artículo desarrolla la comprensión marceliana de la esperanza como fruto de una experiencia de comunión intersubjetiva. De tal modo que la esperanza nos abre un nuevo horizonte de sentido para el itinerario vital, anunciando ya una plenitud intersubjetiva imperecedera. Así, podremos reconocer una fuente de renovación personal y comunitaria en la vivencia de la intersubjetividad, como condición metafísica de la existencia personal que responde a la profunda exigencia de trascendencia del hombre.
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    The Militant Intellectual: Performance Philosophy and Decolonial Materialism.Andrés Fabián Henao Castro - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The Militant Intellect reconceptualizes critical theory as a field tasked with cultivating the analytical skills of the general intellect to work towards the intersectional and structural death of the colonist and the materialization of that feminist decolonial communist queer marronage world that constitutes its horizon.
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  23. Calvinismo, Ilustración y Ciencias Sociales.Andrés Monares Ruiz - 2003 - A Parte Rei 28:13.
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    Nudging for Liberals.Andrés Moles - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (4):644-667.
    In this article I argue that anti-perfectionist liberals can accept nudging in certain areas: in particular, they can accept nudges aimed at helping people to discharge their nonenforceable duties, and to secure personal autonomy. I claim that nudging is not disrespectful since it does not involve a comparative negative judgment on people’s ability to pursue their plans, and that the judgments that motivate nudging are compatible with treating citizens as free and equal. I also claim that despite being sometimes manipulative, (...)
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    (2 other versions)Lnductive probability and scientific rationality.Andrés Rivadulla - 1988 - Theoria 4 (1):217-225.
    This paper tries to simplify the situation in modern epistemology, where the scientific method seems to be accomplished by different scientific methodologies. this is partially done by asserting that the popperian critical methodology can be seen as a special case of bayesianism. to this effect, it is firstly argued, that popper's corroboration degree measures the probabilistic support that evidence lends to universal hypotheses. then it is affirmed, that popper and miller have not established the impossibility of inductive probability. and it (...)
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    Precisiones sobre la estrategia tropológica en ciencia.Andrés Rivadulla - 2011 - Arbor 187 (747):109-115.
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    Una Archivología (Im)Posible. Sobre la NocióN de Archivo En El Pensamiento FilosóFico.Andrés Maximiliano Tello - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 1 (1):43.
    Este texto busca ahondar en algunos de los ejes que articulan la discusión filosófica sobre la noción de archivo. Dicha discusión se ha subsumido en el denominado “ archival turn ” que recorrería el campo de estudios de las humanidades y las ciencias sociales durante las últimas tres décadas. Sin embargo, en este trabajo mostraremos que la reflexión filosófica previa, llevada a cabo por autores como Walter Benjamin, Michel Foucault y Jacques Derrida, entre otros, transforma el sentido convencional de la (...)
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    Contribution of motor representations to action verb processing.Michael Andres, Chiara Finocchiaro, Marco Buiatti & Manuela Piazza - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):174-184.
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    Reflexión extrínseca y reflexión absoluta como respuesta al debate sobre las lecturas metafísicas o no metafísicas de Hegel.Andrés Ortigosa - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):381-389.
    Hegelians normally consider Hegel's philosophical system from two perspectives: metaphysics, interpreting this discipline as the central one to understand the work of the German philosopher, or non-metaphysics, being more relevant alternative interpretations that avoid it. This article presents a study on the senses of reflection. These senses can be extrinsic or absolute. These two senses are the backbones of the Hegelian system. Therefore, by means of a study of whether extrinsic and absolute reflection are notions that guide us towards metaphysical (...)
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  30. La nueva concepción de la Ley en la Constitución venezolana de 1999.Javier Gonzalez - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 12 (7).
    La nueva concepción de la Ley en la Constitución venezolana de 1999 The new conception of law in the 1999 Venezuelan Constitution González R., Javier La justicia, ¿Una virtud necesaria? The justice, A necessary virtue? Guarisma Mérida, Aidalíz Derechos humanos, interculturalidad y racionalidad de resistencia Human rights and rationality of resistance Herrera Flores, Joaquín El estado de apertura y la esencia del lenguaje The state of disclosure and the essence of language Hocevar, Drina El problema de la libertad The problem (...)
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  31. Modeling as a teaching learning process for understanding materials: A case study in primary education.Andrés Acher, María Arcà & Neus Sanmartí - 2007 - Science Education 91 (3):398-418.
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    (1 other version)El estado de apertura (Erschlossenheit) y la esencia del lenguaje.Drina Hocevar - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 7 (12).
    La nueva concepción de la Ley en la Constitución venezolana de 1999 The new conception of law in the 1999 Venezuelan Constitution González R., Javier La justicia, ¿Una virtud necesaria? The justice, A necessary virtue? Guarisma Mérida, Aidalíz Derechos humanos, interculturalidad y racionalidad de resistencia Human rights and rationality of resistance Herrera Flores, Joaquín El estado de apertura y la esencia del lenguaje The state of disclosure and the essence of language Hocevar, Drina El problema de la libertad The problem (...)
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  33. Odi et Amo? Hobbes on the State of Nature.Andrés Rosler - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1):91-111.
    Very few—if any—will doubt Hobbes's aversion to the state of nature and sympathy for civil society. On the other hand, it is not quite news that it would be inaccurate to claim that Hobbes rejected the state of nature entirely. Indeed, he embraced or at the very least tolerated the state of nature at the international level in order to escape from the individual state of nature. Hobbes's recommended exchange of an individual state of nature for an international one does (...)
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  34. Sobre el sentido del pecado en el Sínodo de 1983.José Román Flecha Andrés - 1986 - Salmanticensis 33 (2):207-228.
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    Campo e enunciado: problema da articulação do discurso.Andrés Haye & Antonia Larraín - 2018 - Bakhtiniana 13 (2):79-99.
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    On Popper-Miller's Proof of the Impossibility of Inductive Probability.Andrés Rivadulla Rodriguez - 1987 - Erkenntnis 27 (3):353 - 357.
  37. Hombres y" cyborgs".Andrés Moya Simarro - 2007 - Ludus Vitalis 15 (28):227-230.
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    Finger counting: The missing tool?Michael Andres, Samuel Di Luca & Mauro Pesenti - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):642-643.
    Rips et al. claim that the principles underlying the structure of natural numbers cannot be inferred from interactions with the physical world. However, in their target article they failed to consider an important source of interaction: finger counting. Here, we show that finger counting satisfies all the conditions required for allowing the concept of numbers to emerge from sensorimotor experience through a bottom-up process.
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    Attributing Psychological Predicates to Non-human Animals: Literalism and its Limits.Andrés Crelier - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (4):1309-1328.
    In this essay, I deal with the problem of the attribution of psychological predicates to non-human animals. The first section illustrates three research topics where it has become scientifically legitimate to explain the conduct of non-human animals by means of the attribution of psychological predicates. The second section discusses several philosophical objections to the legitimacy of such attributions provided by central thinkers from the last decades. I try to show that these objections —which are related among other questions to the (...)
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  40. Cuestiones éticas sobre la clonación humana.José Román Flecha Andrés - 1998 - Salmanticensis 45 (1):105-127.
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  41. Matrix-thoughts, is it a compatibilist solution to transfer cases?Silvia Andres Balsera - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):129-144.
  42.  14
    La reflexión moral kantiana y el problema del conflicto de deberes.Andrés Crelier - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 33:11-32.
    El trabajo propone una reflexión sobre el problema de los conflictos de deberes en el marco de la filosofía moral kantiana. En primer lugar, se sostiene que la formalidad y generalidad de las normas son condiciones de sentido, lo cual dificulta concebir conflictos de deberes. En segundo lugar, se señala que la necesidad de especificar las normas es otra condición de sentido, lo cual permite pensar los conflictos. En tercer lugar, se sostiene que la conflictividad se puede evitar si las (...)
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  43. Algunas observaciones sobre la filosofía de la lógica de Newton C. A. Da Costa.Andrés R. Raggio - 1983 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 9 (3):237.
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    De los argumentos trascendentales a la hermenéutica trascendental.Andrés Crelier - 2010 - La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Edulp, Editorial de la Universidad de La Plata.
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    Chains of end elementary extensions of models of set theory.Andres Villaveces - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):1116-1136.
    Large cardinals arising from the existence of arbitrarily long end elementary extension chains over models of set theory are studied here. In particular, we show that the large cardinals obtained in this fashion (`unfoldable cardinals') lie in the boundary of the propositions consistent with `V = L' and the existence of 0 ♯ . We also provide an `embedding characterisation' of the unfoldable cardinals and study their preservation and destruction by various forcing constructions.
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    Anaciclosis y dobles etéreos del hombre en el Antiguo Egipto. Las primeras aportaciones históricas a la comprensión tomista de la inmortalidad.Gabriel Martí Andrés - 2020 - Agora 40 (1):41-63.
    The Thomistic comprehension of the immortality of the soul, in its extraordinary greatness and originality, is built upon the Angelic’s most sublime discovery: the act of being. However, we can already find in the Egyptians some contributions —although indirect— to this comprehension. Regarding the nature of the soul, there are some intuitions of great relevance around the Osiris Trial, the structure of the soul and its relation with the body and the post mortem evolution phases. These intuitions will be assimilated (...)
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    (1 other version)Democracia y globalización.Raul Andrés Martïnez - 1999 - Dilema: Revista de Filosofía 3 (6):73-79.
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  48. Relación entre predicación y existencia en Aristóteles.Andrés Badenes - 2008 - A Parte Rei 58:2.
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  49. Ciudadanos de dos ciudades: escatologia y política.J. -R. Flecha Andres - 1999 - Salmanticensis 46 (1):59-87.
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  50. Una puerta siempre abierta.José Román Flecha Andrés - 2012 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 36 (73):19-39.
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